Financial Reports
When does Uralsvyazinform’s financial year start/end?
Uralsvyazinform’s financial year matches the calendar year and ends on 31st December.
How can I be included in the email distribution list for the news and press releases?
Please send us an email with your details on [email protected] or contact Investor relations on +7 343 379-12-19.
Under which accounting standards does Uralsvyazinform report its financial statemenst?
Uralsvyazinform reports its financial statements under Russian accounting standards (RAS) on the quarterly basis, and International accounting standards (IAS, also referreed to as IFRS) semi-annually.
What company is appointed as an independent auditor of Uralsvyazinform?
Our independent auditor is OOO Ernst & Young.
How does Uralsvyazinform report its financial and operational results?
RAS and IAS-bases financial statements are made available from Reports section in both Russian and English version of this web-site. The reports are also available as press releases and may be downloaded in PDF format.
Press releases may be found in News section and are distributed among analysts, investors and financial media. In addition, USI arranges conference calls to discuss the reported RAS/IAS results with the investors’ community.
What reports are available on a quarterly basis?
According to the requirements of Russian legislation USI prepares Quarterly issuer’s reports and Lists of affiliated entities. These reports are available from Disclosure section (in Russian).
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