С 1 апреля 2011 года ОАО «Уралсвязьинформ» является частью российской национальной телекоммуникационной компании «Ростелеком» и теперь будет осуществлять свою деятельность в качестве ее макрорегионального филиала «Урал»
The category, type, and series of bonds: non-documentary registered bonds of 13-Ч series. State registration number of the Bond issue and the date of its state registration: 4-90-00175-А dd. June 10, 2002.
The state body that performed the Bond issue registration: Federal Commission for the Securities Market.
Amount of interest income on bonds of 13-Ч series was determined by the Bonds Resolution approved by Uralsvyazinform Board of Directors (Minutes of the session # 18, dd. January 29, 2002).
The fixed income per bond: RUR 10.00
The total fixed income: RUR 5 000.00.
Overall par value of the bond issue: RUR 1 000 000.
The total amount on Issuer’s securities is to be paid via cash payment and bank transfer in the currency of the Russian Federation;
Fulfillment date: August 31, 2009.
The obligations were not fully carried out by the Issuer.
Amount of obligations that were not fully carried out by the Issuer:
On interest income: RUR 3 770
On overall par value of the bond issue: RUR 754 000.
The reason for incomplete fulfillment of obligations by the Issuer consists in the failure of bondholders to present documents on bond redemption and the absence of possibility to find the mentioned bondholders due to the incorrect, incomplete, or outdated post addresses of the owners within the Bond Register.