С 1 апреля 2011 года ОАО «Уралсвязьинформ» является частью российской национальной телекоммуникационной компании «Ростелеком» и теперь будет осуществлять свою деятельность в качестве ее макрорегионального филиала «Урал»
Change if participation in the capital stock of other commercial organization or in ordinary shares of other joint-stock company, which consists in not less than 5 percent
Commercial organization, a share of participation of joint-stock company in the capital stock (ordinary shares): Perm Broadcasting Company «Ural Inform TV» LLC.
Location of the commercial organization, a share of participation of joint-stock company in the capital stock (ordinary shares): 2, Krupskoy str., Perm, Russia, 614060
A share of participation of joint-stock company in the capital stock of the specified organization and participation in ordinary shares of the specified organization before change: 100 % of the capital stock; 100 % of ordinary shares.
A share of participation of joint-stock company in the capital stock and participation in ordinary shares of the specified organization after change: 0 % of the capital stock; 0 % of ordinary shares.
Date of change in the participation of joint-stock company in the capital stock of the specified organization: May 19, 2008.