С 1 апреля 2011 года ОАО «Уралсвязьинформ» является частью российской национальной телекоммуникационной компании «Ростелеком» и теперь будет осуществлять свою деятельность в качестве ее макрорегионального филиала «Урал»
The expiry of the term in office of Board of Directors of joint-stock company (Protocol #3 dd. July 31, 2007).
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Ufimkin Anatoly Yakovlevich, Chairman of Board. A share of participation in the charter capital of joint-stock company: 0,0277 %. Ordinary shares in joint-stock company: 0,0270 %. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Akimenko Sergey Vasilevich, Member of Board. A share of participation in the charter capital of joint-stock company: 0,000328 %. Ordinary shares of joint-stock company: 0,000408 %. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Balueva Svetlana Ivanovna, Member of Board. A share of participation in the charter capital of joint-stock company: 0,000374 %. Ordinary actions of joint-stock company: 0,000464 %. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Bershev Sergey Mihailovich, Member of Board. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Bychkov Igor Dmitrievich, Member of Board. A share of participation in the charter capital of joint-stock company: 0,000080 %. Ordinary actions of joint-stock company: 0,000100 %. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Efremov Oleg Vasilevich, Member of Board. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Menshenin Valery Aleksandrovich, Member of Board. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Samoilov Dmitry Ivanovich, Member of Board. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Stoyanov Vitaly Vasilevich, Member of Board. A share of participation in the charter capital of joint-stock company: 0,004010 %. Ordinary shares of joint-stock company: 0,001516 %. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.
2.10. Surname, Name, Patronymic, Post: Chernyshev Valery Aleksandrovich, Member of Board. A share of participation in the charter capital of joint-stock company: 0,007379 %. Ordinary shares of joint-stock company: 0,003021 %. The expiration date of office: July 31, 2008.