С 1 апреля 2011 года ОАО «Уралсвязьинформ» является частью российской национальной телекоммуникационной компании «Ростелеком» и теперь будет осуществлять свою деятельность в качестве ее макрорегионального филиала «Урал»
Change of Uralsvyazinform share in the Charter Capital of another commercial organization or in the common stock of another joint-stock company, provided that this share totaled at least 5 per cent
Full name of the commercial organization, the share of Uralsvyazinform in the Charter Capital thereof altered: Open Joint-Stock Company ‘TATINKOM-T’.
Location of the commercial organization: Lomzhinskaya str, 20A, Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Federation.
Uralsvyazinform share in the Charter Capital and in the common stock of the commercial organization prior to the change: 33.4% of the Charter Capital; 33.4% of the common stock.
Uralsvyazinform share in the Charter Capital of the commercial organization after the change: 0% of the Charter Capital; 0% of the common stock.
The date of change of Uralsvyazinform share in the Charter Capital and in the common stock of the commercial organization: 13 April, 2007.