С 1 апреля 2011 года ОАО «Уралсвязьинформ» является частью российской национальной телекоммуникационной компании «Ростелеком» и теперь будет осуществлять свою деятельность в качестве ее макрорегионального филиала «Урал»
On May 24, 2007 Uralsvyazinform effected the third coupon payment on monetary bond issue of 06 series.
The category of bonds: non-convertible interest-bearing documentary bearer bonds with obligatory centralized custody.
The state registration number of the Bond issue and the date of its state registration:
4-09-00175-А dd. November 3, 2005.
The state body that accomplished the Bond issue registration: Federal Commission for the Securities Market.
The procedure of coupon rate determination was defined by the Bonds Resolution and Prospectus approved by the Company’s Board of Directors (Protocol # 7, dd. September 29, 2005).
The first coupon rate has been approved by the Company’s General Director in the amount of 8.20 per cent per annum (Order # 1296 dd. November 24, 2005).
According to the Bonds Resolution the bonds’ overall nominal value amounts to
RUR 2 bn, coupon interest rate – 8.20 % per annum, payable every half-year.
The out-paid interest per bond with par value of RUR 1,000 made up RUR 40.89.
The total value of payments amounted to RUR 81.780 thousand.
Overall amount of coupon payments on the bond issue of 06 series up to date:
first coupon payment: RUR 81.780 thousand
second coupon payment: RUR 81.780 thousand
third coupon payment: RUR 81.780 thousand
Overall amount of interest paid out on the bond issue of 06 series:
RUR 245,340 thousand.